Random Thoughts and Observations

In each of my posts, I've been including random things that might provide a little insight into life in London. Here's the complete list : )

1.  There are various types of police officers here.  Most don't carry guns.
2.  I did a google search for "Christmas cookie recipes."  Result: "Did you mean 'Christmas biscuit recipes'?" *facepalm*
3.  This


1. Whenever you plug something in, you also have to turn the outlet ON.  It really sucks when you forget.
2. The average car on the central line of the tube has a maximum capacity of about 290 people (but more squish in during rush hour).  That's a lot of people in a relatively small space.  Still, no one talks, and eye contact is very rare.  It doesn't matter if you are literally four inches from someone else's face.  The silence can be quite eerie.
3. Two of the girls I live with speak Arabic.  Arabic sometimes doesn't have a word that they'll need, so they say it in English.  This is the result: ...... ketchup ........... Belfast ............ Internet


1. Lindsey and I like to play "Spot the American."  It's shockingly easy.  Read here for tips on how to play.
2. Sometimes it's really windy in the tube stations.  Especially Tottenham Court Road, the stop for the Kube.  And when I say "really windy," I mean like 40+ mph.  Not good for your hair.
3. Strange things I have taken on the tube thus far: a guitar, a pan of brownies, a toaster.
4. One of the community girls (aged 5) says I sound like a movie star : )  


1. When you walk into a building, you are on the ground floor.  You have to go up one flight to get to the first floor.  Weird.
2. I am slowly getting used to being a front-seat passenger on the left side of the car.  Although when I look for cars when crossing the street, my eyes still automatically go to where I think the driver should be, not where they actually are.  This often leads to thinking “that car doesn't have a driver!” … and then I realize.
3. I met SO MANY Americans during Fresher’s Fayre.  And people from Latvia, Kenya, Uzbekistan, China, Italy, and Guyana, among other places.
4. This is my life right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waZy08wvPKU
5. The tube is a great place for profound thoughts and epiphanies.


1. All of my websites automatically re-direct to “.co.uk” instead of “.com”.  Sometimes cool, sometimes annoying.
2.  I have discovered the challenges of doing laundry without a dryer in a country where it rains all the time.  Thankfully, our house just got a dryer, so it shouldn’t be a problem anymore.
3. "Posh" is quickly becoming my new favourite word.  It means a mixture of upscale and classy.  "That part of the city is so posh."

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