Since when is it October?!?!? As of yesterday, I have officially been here for 2 months/4 fortnights/8 weeks/60 days/1460 hours/87,658 seconds. I hope you
can believe it, because I certainly can’t.
I keep getting asked for directions by random people on the street. I’d say I’m averaging 2-3 times per week. What are people in this fine city looking for? The hospital, the British Museum, and Victoria's Secret (and yes, I know where all of those things are). I’d like to think people ask me because I look like I live/belong here, and would therefore know where everything is. Yeah, let's go with that.
After many meetings and chats last week, I finally have a full run-down of everything I’ll be doing! Here we go:
I keep getting asked for directions by random people on the street. I’d say I’m averaging 2-3 times per week. What are people in this fine city looking for? The hospital, the British Museum, and Victoria's Secret (and yes, I know where all of those things are). I’d like to think people ask me because I look like I live/belong here, and would therefore know where everything is. Yeah, let's go with that.
After many meetings and chats last week, I finally have a full run-down of everything I’ll be doing! Here we go:
- Koinonia - this is going to be my main service area. Meeting new students, following up with them 1-on-1, trying to get them to keep coming, planning events, maybe running a small group
- Antioch Youth – youth work with the kids of Antioch. I’m going to be working mainly with the older high school girls, as well as planning a couple of events/retreats for everyone. AY is not to be confused with:
- [youth:link] – the youth outreach run by Antioch, aimed at kids in Acton. Some of these kids are also in AY/Antioch, but this is a place where they can bring their non-community friends.
- GAP training – this involves a scripture course focused on learning and understanding the Bible, as well as a course called "Mission Track", and different sessions focused on outreach, character, and evangelism.
- Heythrop Outreach Development – Heythrop is a philosophy/theology college in Kensington, partway between Acton and the Kube. The folks here have been trying to get an outreach started here for the past couple of years. Pete (fellow gapper) and I are heading it up this year.
I have no idea what would happen if I was in fact doing this alone, but thankfully, I don’t need to worry about it! The Lord is faithful beyond all measure. The apostle Paul wrote in Second Corinthians about rejoicing in our inabilities, because it is through our weaknesses where the Lord’s strength and ability shines:
“But he said to me, ‘My grace is
sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly
about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” ~ 2 Corinthians
If the only thing I get out of this year is learning to depend fully on Him, then it will be a resounding success : )
On an unrelated note, my accent is totally changing. I can hear it and try to fight it, but I can’t really stop it. And in the interest of full disclosure, I don't really want to. Having a (non-American) accent is a dream come true to eight-year-old Molly. Before you get too excited, though, let me say this: I cannot speak in an authentic British accent on purpose (yet?). If I try, it just sounds stupid (as my friends are wont to point out). However, when drawn into a conversation with a UKnian (official term) for more than, say, thirty seconds, it happens… The Change. My vowels get all funny, and I start sounding less Yank and more Brit… We'll see what happens by the time my service here is finished. I don't want to lose my American-ness, but being able to speak as a proper Englishwoman would be a cool party trick, if nothing else.
My vocabulary has received a healthy boost as well:
- Put the rubbish in the bin = put the trash in the garbage
- Form a queue at the till = Get in line at the register
- Off the rails = going crazy (ex: “Some would argue that Lindsay Lohan has gone totally off the rails”)
- Do the washing up = do the dishes/clean the kitchen
- one-off = one-time
Some highlights since my last post:
Last Thursday (10/03/13) brought another Reload (prayer meeting) for Koinonia. I played second guitar for the worship time! This is something that I've wanted to do for a while, and I really enjoyed it. I’m now on the rota (aka rotation) for the term, so I’ll get a lot of practice : )
That Friday afternoon I went to Heythrop to do a prayer walk. Their actual campus is closed to the public, but I wanted to walk around the perimeter to get a feel for the area. By chance, I ran into a Koi girl who goes to Heythrop, Lucy. She and a friend were on their way to get cupcakes, so naturally I went with them! Yum! After we went our separate ways, I went back to wandering about Kensington and happened upon a beautiful church, St. Mary Abbots. It was open, but totally empty, so I went in for a while to pray and look around.
St. Mary Abbots in Kensington |
Sunday was another day of church shopping, and I think I’ve found THE ONE. Drum roll, please …. The American International Church of London. It’s really close to the Kube, and I just happened by it last week whilst exploring. At first, I was like “oh, an ‘American’ church, cool.” But after looking into their beliefs, etc. on their website, I decided to try it. I really liked everything about the service. Beautiful church? Check. Pews? Check. Awesome choir? Check. Good sermon that has just the right balance of teaching and liturgy? Check. Welcoming congregation that isn't too big or too small? Check. Coffee and tea served afterwards? Check. I had a great chat with a guy from Toronto, as well as a woman from Flint, MI. From what I gather, it's a pretty international body.
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'Murica. |
This week's randomness:
1. Lindsey and I like to play "Spot the American." It's shockingly easy. Read here for tips on how to play.
2. Sometimes it's really windy in the tube stations. Especially Tottenham Court Road, the stop for the Kube. And when I say "really windy," I mean like 40+ mph. Not good for your hair.
3. Strange things I have taken on the tube thus far: a guitar, a pan of brownies, a toaster.
4. One of the community girls (aged 5) says I sound like a movie star : )
<3 Molly
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." ~ Matthew 5:14-16
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